Welcome to telecommunications, one of the great black arts of computing. Using a modem should be as easy as making a phone call, but that's not the way it really works. Once you've gotten over the technical problems, you'll find that buying a modem was the best investment you ever made in your computer. Telecommunicating opens up a world of possibilities, ideas, and people. 5.01 Where do I get help with my modem? For help with 9600 access, use keyword "9600". To get help with modems on AOL, use keyword "help" and click the Modem Help icon. The Macintosh Communications Forum (keyword "mcm") is a good place to ask questions. Sometimes you need to go straight to the horse's mouth. The following table should assist you in finding technical support: TECH SUPPORT TECH SUPPORT MODEM COMPANY EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ________________ _________________________ ____________ Apple none 800-SOS-APPL Boca 75300.2672@compuserve.com 407-241-8088 Cardinal* Cardtech1 717-293-3124 DigiCom none 408-262-1277 Global Village** GlobalVill 415-390-8300 Hayes 75300.772@compuserve.com 404-441-1617 Intel 70307.461@compuserve.com 503-629-7000 Logicode none 805-388-9000 Megahertz 74237.1661@compuserve.com 801-320-7000 Microcom none 617-551-1313 Multi-Tech 76004.3535@compuserve.com 800-972-2439 Performantz*** Promethean 503-692-9601 Prometheus Promethean 503-692-9601 PPI**** PPI Gene, PPI Yvonne 805-496-7707 PSI Integration PSISupport 408 559-8877 Racal****** see note below 800-526-8255 Supra SupraCorp2 800-774-4965 Telebit Telebit TS 800-835-3248 TCI*** Promethean 800-925-6227 UDS Motorola none 205-430-8000 US Robotics 76711.707@compuserve.com 708-982-5151 Zoom 76711.770@compuserve.com 617-423-1076 ZyXEL 71333.2734@compuserve.com 714-693-0808 *Cardinal Technologies has a company support area on AOL. Use keyword "cardinal." **Global Village has a company support area on AOL. Use keyword "global village" "global" or "teleport". ***Prometheus manufactures the TCI LineLink 144e and the Performantz 14.4. ****Practical Peripherals, Inc. (PPI) has a company support area on AOL. Use keyword "practical peripheral" or "ppi". *****Racal's tech support email address is cust_service@rimail.interlan.com. 5.02 What's the best time to call? Peak hours are from 6:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Eastern time. The heaviest traffic on AOL is between about 9:00 P.M. and midnight Eastern Time. Any other time would be better. Scheduling FlashSessions between 1:00 A.M. and 3:00 A.M. ET seems reasonable. Currently AOL has scheduled system maintenance between 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM Eastern time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There are plans for a once-a-week maintenance session. To get an up-do-date maintenance schedule, use keyword "help" and doubleclick "Normal system maintenance times". 5.03 How do I control my modem speaker? Most external modems have a built-in speaker. Only a few modems have a knob for controlling the speaker volume. You can change the speaker volume by sending the modem a Hayes command. The relevant Hayes commands are listed below. Simply add the command to your modem initialization (configuration) string. See "How do I change the modem initialization string?" below. All 0's are zeroes, not capital o's COMMAND EFFECT _________ ____________________________________________ L0 sets the speaker to minimum volume L1 also sets the speaker to minimum volume L2 sets the speaker to medium volume L3 sets the speaker to maximum volume M0 speaker always off M1 speaker on until connection M2 speaker always on (very noisy!) M3 effect varies; consult your modem manual Global Village PowerPort modems The PowerPorts use the PowerBook's internal speaker as a modem speaker. Use the Mac's Sound control panel to adjust the volume. The PowerPorts accept the M commands, but not the L commands. 5.04 How do I disable call waiting? Call waiting should always be turned off whenever you use your modem. If call waiting is on, the click of an incoming call will disrupt your connection to America Online. Instructions 1. Launch the America Online software. 2. When the "Welcome to America Online" window appears, click the Setup button. 3. In the Connection Settings window, you'll see a line that reads "Use the following command to disable call waiting". Click the box next to this line to check the box. 4. In the box to the right of the line, enter the appropriate command to disable call waiting. For touch tone phones, the command is usually "*70" (without the quotes). For pulse dial phones, the command is usually "1170" (without the quotes). Some telephone companies use other commands. Consult you local telephone company if these commands don't work. Whichever command you use, place a comma after it, as in "*70,". The comma causes a two-second delay which should make connecting more reliable. 5. When you're finished, click the Save Changes buttons until you return to the "Welcome to America Online" window. The AOL software will now automatically disable call waiting for the duration of each call to America Online. When the call is complete, the phone company will automatically turn call waiting back on.   Some phone companies charge you every time you disable call waiting. The command for disabling call waiting is not the same in all areas. Check with your local phone company.   You can disable call waiting for ordinary voice calls. Before you dial, punch in the command "*70" (for touchtone phones) or "1170" (for pulse dial phones). 5.05 How can I get the AOL software to dial an outside line? 1. Launch the America Online software. 2. When the "Welcome to America Online" window appears, click the Setup button. 3. You should see a line that says "Use the following prefix to reach an outside line:". To the left, you should see a small box. Click inside the box until it has an "X" through it. 4. In the rectangle to the right, enter the number you dial to reach an outside line. In most cases, the number is "9". Place a comma after the number, as in "9,". The comma produces a short delay which prevents some dialing problems. 5. When you're finished, click the Save Changes buttons until you return to the "Welcome to America Online" window. 5.06 What are DataPac, SprintNet, and Tymnet? These companies are local access providers, also known as packet-switching networks or public data networks. America Online's computers are in Vienna, Virginia, which is a long distance call from most AOL members. When you call America Online, you're calling a local access provider who patches you through to Vienna. Think of access providers as calling card companies with really cheap rates. In fact, Sprint is one of the leaders in the calling card business. The calling card company analogy isn't completely accurate. When you make a long distance voice call, the only people using that line are you and the person you're talking to. When you call AOL via an access provider, you're on a "modem party line" with other AOL members in your area. Your data is put into packets with your name on them. Then your packets are interspersed with the packets of other members in your area. During peak calling hours many people are using the same line, and performance declines. America Online often gets blamed for problems that are really the fault of the local access provider. If all the access numbers in your area are busy, that's the access provider's fault for not providing enough numbers. If there are no 2400 or 9600 access number in your area, that, too, is the access provider's fault. Local access providers charge AOL by the minute, and round up to the nearest minute. AOL has to charge its members the same way, by the minute. If you have a choice between a SprintNet number and a Tymnet number, America Online recommends using the SprintNet number. 5.07 How do I find local access numbers? Beginning with AOL 2.1, you can call a 1-800 number with your AOL software. Simply launch the AOL software and choose "Get Local #" from the Locality popup menu. Then click the Sign On button. After you connect to AOL, enter your area code, then select your first and second choices. At this time, the 1-800 number does NOT supply 9600 bps access numbers. While online, use keyword "access", then doubleclick the item labeled "Search Access Numbers". If there are no local access numbers in your area, you can request one. Use keyword "access" and doubleclick the item labeled "Request a Local Access Number". There's no guarantee that an access number will be added, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Encourage other AOL members in your area to make similar requests. Sprint has a toll-free voice number for locating access numbers. Call 1-800-473-7983. The automated service can provide 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps access numbers. Have TeachText open and be ready to type: the numbers are read quickly. You can also call one of the following voice numbers to find access numbers: SprintNet 1-800-877-5045 Tymnet 1-800-628-3497 5.08 How do I change the modem initialization string? AOL 2.0 Instructions 1. Launch AOL and click the Setup button. 2. Click the Edit Modem Strings button. 3. Make changes to the CONFIGURATION string, NOT the Initialization string. 4. Click Save Changes button. Click the Save Changes button again when it appears. AOL 2.1 Instructions 1. Launch AOL and click the Setup button. 2. Note which modem driver is selected in the Modem: popup menu. 3. Click Cancel. 4. Choose Open from the File menu. 5. Set the Show menu to All Known Documents. 6. You'll find the modem driver you're using inside the Online Files folder. Select it and click Open. 7. Type your modem initialization string into the CONFIGURATION field, NOT the Initialization field. 8. Click the Save Changes button. 5.09 What's a good init string for my modem? If you want to roll your own modem init string, you may be interested in this information from one of AOL's help files. These are the settings needed for America Online: FEATURE STATE USUAL AT COMMAND ________________________ _________________ ________________ Verbose/Terse Responses -Verbal/Verbose V1 Enable/Suppress Response -Enabled Q0 Echoing -OFF E0 Asynchronous/Synchronous -Asynchronous &M0 AT Commands -Enabled DIP switch DTR -Ignored &D2 DCD (Carrier Detect) -Always on &C1 DSR (Data Set Ready) -Always on varies Error Correction -Disabled varies Data Compression -Disabled varies XON/XOFF Flow Control -Disabled varies Buffering -Disabled varies Inactivity Timer -Disabled varies Auto-retrain -Disabled varies Long Space Disconnect -Disabled varies 5.10 How do I connect at 9600 bps? First, make sure you have the following three things: 1. AOL 2.1, released March 24, 1994. 2.1 is not the same as 2.0.1. 2. A modem capable of 9600 bps or faster data speed. Fax speed is irrelevant. Hardware data compression is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be audited. A 14400 bps or faster modem will work just fine. They simply slow down to talk at 9600. 3. A local access number that supports 9600. To find access numbers in your area, use keyword "access". You can access AOL at 9600 using a long distance phone call, but it gets expensive. Instructions 1. Launch AOL and click the Setup button. 2. Under Connection File, choose SprintNet. Currently, all 9600 access is through SprintNet. 3. Under Connection Speed, choose 9600. 4. Enter the local 9600 access number. 5. If you need to disable call waiting or dial a 9 to reach an outside line, select those options. 6. Select the appropriate Connection Port. In most cases, the modem is plugged into the modem port. 7. Select your modem from the Modem Type menu. If your modem doesn't appear on the list, read the section of the FAQ on modem drivers. 8. To hardware handshake or not to hardware handshake? See below. 5.11 Should I use hardware handshaking? At 9600 bps, it's preferable to have hardware handshaking turned on. If you can't connect with hardware handshaking on, turn it off. Some modem cables don't support hardware handshaking. Correctly-wired hardware handshaking cable are available from a variety of sources.   If you want to use hardware handshaking, America Online recommends that you select it for both the first and second try in the Setup window. My informal tests show that this is good advice. 5.12 Which modem driver should I use? AOL 2.1 introduced modem drivers. Think of them as settings files for different modems. To select a driver, launch AOL and click the Setup button. Select your modem from the Modem popup menu. AOL 2.1 comes with drivers for many popular modems. If your modem isn't one of them, use keyword "help" and click the Technical Help icon. The click Modem Help. Inside you'll find a library of modem drivers. If you still can't find a driver for your modem, don't despair. Experiment with different modem drivers until you find one that works. The Hayes drivers work with a variety of modems. If you're having trouble with AOL, try a different driver. Even if a driver exists for your modem, you may have better luck with a different driver. Also check for updated drivers in the Modem Help Area. The following is a list of drivers in the Modem Drivers library: Aceex 1414 v.32bis Any 14.4 Modem Any 9600 Modem Apple Express AT&T Paradyne Dataport 14.4 Bestdata Smartone 1442 Boca 14.4 V.32 Cardinal 14.4 Compudyne 1442 FX Digicom Eagle 9600 Digicom Scout Plus Global Village Mercury Global Village PowerPort Global Village Silver Global Village Teleport Gold Hayes Accura 14.4 Hayes Auto Reliable Hayes Basic Hayes Error Correcting Hayes Optima 14400 V.32 Hayes V Series Ultra 9600 Intel 14.4 EX Line Link 14.4 E Macronix Maxlite 14.4 Magic 14.4 v.32 bis Megahertz 14400/P2144 Microcom Desk Porte Microcom QX/4232 bis Multitech MT932 Multitech MT1432 Series Multitech MT1432 ZDX Practical Peripherals 14400FX Practical Peripherals 14400FX PowerUser 14.4 Prometheus Pro Modem 14.4 PSI Comstation V PSI Power Modem I Prometheus Home Office Quicktel Xeba 14.4 Racal ALM 3223 Racal ALM 3226 V.32 bis Spectra Pocket Modem 14.4 Supra 14.4 LC SupraFAXmodem Telebit Qblazer Telebit T1600 Telebit T2500 Telebit T3000 Telebit Worldblazer UDS Fastalk v.32 bx UDS Motorola V.3225L UDS Motorola V.3229L US Robotics Courier V.32 bis/ US Robotics HST Dual std. ter. US Robotics Mac & Fax US Robotics Sportster 14.4 US Robotics Sportster 9600 Viva 14.4 Zoltrix 14.4 Zoom 14.4 V.32 bis Zoom 14.4 V.32/V.32 bis Zoom 14.4 V.32/V.42 Zoom VFX V.32 bis Zyxel U-1496 Zyxel U-1496B Zyxel U-1496B plus Zyxel U-1496E Zyxel U-1496E plus Zyxel U-1496 plus Zyxel U-1496P portable Zyxel U-1496R Zyxel U-1496RE Zyxel U-1496RE plus 5.13 Why does my 9600 bps modem connect at 2400 bps? You're probably calling an access number that doesn't go any faster than 2400. Use keyword "access" to see if there are any 9600 bps access numbers in your area. Once you have the new number, launch AOL, click the Setup button, and enter the new number. Be sure to select "9600" in the popup menu and select the appropriate network. All 9600 bps access is currently through SprintNet, but DataPac, SprintNet, and Tymnet all provide 1200 and 2400 bps access. Likewise, if your 2400 bps modem can only connect at 1200, you're probably calling a 1200 bps number. Use the instructions above. 5.14 What does "Serial Port in use" mean? Under some circumstances you may get the following message: "The requested serial port is in use by another application or extension. We recommend disabling any conflicting software before connecting to AOL." AOL then offers to override the software that is using the serial port. This problem is usually caused by fax software, especially FaxSTF. This problem only occurs with AOL 2.1. It's not a serious problem – you can just click the override button – bit it does prevent unattended Flash Sessions when the FaxSTF software is turned on. Luckily there's an easy fix. Open the SprintNet CCL file and comment out the line that checks for serial port use. Instructions 1. Launch AOL 2.1. Choose open from the File menu 2. Choose All Known Documents from the Show menu. 3. Locate the SprintNet file, which is inside the Online Files folder. Select it and click the Open button. 4. If the text is messy, make the window wider. Scroll down to the thirty-fifth line which reads "CheckPort 19 ~PORT". 5. Type an exclamation point in front of this line, so that it reads "!CheckPort 19 ~PORT". The exclamation point turns the line into a comment, which AOL ignores. 6. Choose Save from the File menu and close the window. If you're not comfortable making these changes, you can download a SprintNet file which has already been modified. Do a file search for "sprintnet fax". 5.15 How do I use Localities? AOL 2.1 introduced a Localities menu on the main screen. You can store different phone numbers and modem settings for each locality. Here are a few ways to use this new feature. Traveling Make one locality setting for Houston, another for D.C., another for Seattle, etc. This is the original purpose of localities. Finding local access numbers Beginning with AOL 2.1, you can call a 1-800 number with your AOL software. Simply launch the AOL software and choose "Get Local #" from the Locality popup menu. Then click the Sign On button. After you connect to AOL, enter your area code, then select your first and second choices. At this time, the 1-800 number does NOT supply 9600 bps access numbers. Different phone numbers I keep my local 9600 bps access number in one locality file, where it's entered as the first and second try. If I can't get on at 9600, I switch to my 2400 locality file, which contains both of the local 2400 access numbers. This simple technique has made it much easier to get on at 9600. Different settings in general Using localities, you can create different settings files for the different conditions in which you use AOL. Sometimes you may plug your modem into the modem port, but sometimes you may need to use the printer port. Or maybe you use one modem at home and another at work. Localities facilitate these changes. Instructions for creating Localities 1. Launch AOL. Pull down the File menu and move the mouse to the word "New". A submenu will appear. Choose "Locality". 2. Type in the phone number and access provider you want to use, and check all of the settings, such as whether you're using a touch tone phone, whether you need to disable call waiting, etc. 3. Click Save and name the locality file. Your new settings will now appear on the Locality menu. The locality file is stored in the Online Files folder. 5.16 What's a quick fix for modem problems? Quit the America Online software, turn the modem off and back on, and relaunch America Online. This simple trick works with just about any telecommunications software. It doesn't solve every problem, but it's often just the thing when your modem or software hang.